Battling to get mold off your clothing,curtains or even hard surfaces in your household? We now have a cost effective and easy solution that actually removes the mold.
All fungas and spores will now be eliminated by simply soaking or spraying our BACTI@home solution directly onto the mould.This fantastic new product will work wonders improving both aesthetic and hygiene.
The Cl02 vapour actually breaks the bonds of the compounds that cause odours and eradicates the microorganisms emitting these compounds thus leaving a very faint 'pool house' smell that dissipates very quickly leaving a fresh clean smell.
This fantastic product can also be used to elimnate odours created by pets on your carpets and linen. BACTI@home neutralizes & removes odor from beddings, clothing, rugs and upholstered furniture, baby cribs & strollers.
No harmful residues, no rinse required!