Chlorine dioxide is a easy to use,non-toxic, no residue, green, safe sanitizer and has now been regarded as the best disinfectant by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food and Agriculture Organization.

As our product is non toxic and does not have any of the harsh contents which bleach or chlorine have, yet still achieve the same if not better results in sanitisation and odour control, it is the perfect sanitizer for the hospitality industry.

BACTI@home is a revolutionary chlorine dioxide delivery system for the sanitisation in hospitality and old aged homes as it has a vast array of applications on hard surface sanitation and fumigation, food prep to even big waste receptacles.

What is BACTI@home Chlorine Dioxide?
Chlorine Dioxide is one powerhouse biocide that is gaining more and more attention worldwide in the sanitisation battle. Although chlorine and chlorine dioxide share the word "chlorine", their chemistries are very different. Unlike chlorine, chlorine dioxide doesn't chlorinate, it works through oxidation and penetrates bacteria cell walls and reacts with vital amino acids in the cytoplasm of the cell to kill the organism.

Up until now, chlorine dioxide the only practical use of Cl02 required sophisticated chemical generation equipment, which limited the benefits of Cl02 to only large-scale application. These cost barriers made it impossible for small-medium scale applications. BACTI@home has created a new and patented technology enabling cost effective and portable chlorine dioxide generation and distribution for use in an ever widening of small application.

Why is BACTI@home the answer?

Here are some reasons:
- Does LESS harm to the environment than other choices that do not have comparable strength, since by donating oxygen, it breaks down into water, oxygen and common table salt.
- Registered with EPA, and has approvals with FDA and US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Very powerful at low concentrations
- Eliminates sources and transfers of harmful pathogens
- Remains a true gas dissolved in solution - Has been found to be one of the most effective tools for dispersing biofilms
- 2.6 times the oxidizing power of waterborne chlorine
- Does not chlorinate or form halogenated disinfection by products
- Selective chemistry; reacts very slowly with secondary amines, and sparingly with amines or ammonia - Easily implemented and can be fed into existing lines
- Not temperature sensitive
- Works over a wide pH spectrum, making it more versatile and forgiving in a variety of application situations
- Residuals easily analyzed.
- So far, problem cells have shown little ability to develop resistance against chlorine dioxide.

Our approach to Chlorine Dioxide technology:

BACTI@homes' antimicrobial allows for the delivery of chlorine dioxide in a stable powder form. It is comprised of surfaces featuring selected sites with proprietary activators that react with chlorite salt contained in the powders to generate chlorine dioxide. BACTI@home produces chlorine dioxide only when it comes into contact with water or when it is exposed to moisture in ambient air. Water or moisture provides the reaction bridge between the chlorite salt and the activator, allowing the generation of chlorine dioxide to proceed.

BACTI@home can be custom formulated to deliver different levels of chlorine dioxide and to release the biocide at specific rates.